Olga Moon
SHE IS MONO - artisanal ceramics brand, created for aesthetic pleasure and tactile gratification. Natural shapes, asymmetry and stand out identity are what distinguish each piece of the collection.

Natural materials with rough and uncut surfaces, colors inspired by the nature and simple shapes – are what creates the beauty in simplicity.

Each object is one of a kind, carved from a single block of clay by hand in Japanese “Kurinuki” technique. It’s then passed through the “Raku” firing process with natural smoke treatment to create all these unique distinctive glaze shades. Open fire glazing is a true alchemy that brings out natural shades of metals in ceramics, creating art objects with its own personality.
Subtle perception of reality through aesthetics and minimalism – is what I give a sense of in my works. Using diverse techniques, such as: ceramics, graphics, painting, photography, wood, fire, embroidery, as well as textile elements - I conduct a dialogue at the different perception levels. The creative work of mine - is my dialogues transmission with the universe and the study of the ubiquitous energies interactions.

The aspiration of minimalism in the color scheme concentrates my focus on textures, forms, volume and materials, as well as feeling of emotional message and history of each object.
My paintings are mixed media works with pronounced layering of textures and an emphasis on semi-sculptural making manner.

Experiments and different mediums researches allowing to look for a new ways of communication with the inner and outer worlds on metters of concerne. After all it is enhancement and comprehension of the new are what contributes to personal and creative growth.
